Sounds of Safety

María Bonomi y Lucía Cozzi

October 15 & November 12, 2022, 1-3pm; March 5, 2023, 1-3pm

What does safety sound like? What sounds keep us safe? Sirens, as sounds of alarm, are loud noises or collective announcements that warn us of danger and keep us and our communities safe from harm. In this family-friendly learnshop, people of all ages and experiences with art are invited to share an afternoon of collective painting or drawing, coming together to explore through listening, contact, and color, the sounds that keep us safe and enable us to connect with new forms of being in contact and in mutual care.

This learnshop builds on themes present in the exhibition SIREN (some poetics), which connects a group of artists through their different interpretations of the term ‘siren’; as a mythological creature, a sound of alarm or otherwise, through a variety of artistic mediums. In doing so, the exhibition asks larger questions about how poetry can be understood and represented as a visual form. We recommend touring the exhibition as part of your visit to Amant. We also offer exhibition guides for younger audiences at our Visitor Experience desks or via QR codes throughout the gallery spaces.

These learnshops are organized in the framework of SIREN (some poetics) a group exhibition and a poetics devoted to technologies of myth and mouth, earth and alarm, gender and language.

Sounds of Safety is an in-person event, and it is free and open to participants aged 5+. Prior registration is recommended.

Image: Lucia Cozzi, Mil Mundos Workshop

About the artists

María Bonomi y Lucía Cozzi are a Brooklyn-based artist collective from Argentina. They met as Mil Mundos Books members in 2019, where their collaboration began.

Their practice focuses on art as a channel for action, reflection, and healing, enhanced when shared in community. In their paintings, encuentros, they co-create spaces of research and dialogue using canvas as the conversation space. They value process over output, as it is the movement through which they learn. Alongside their studio practice, they organize actions and events in coalition with other Mil Mundos members and community organizations in Brooklyn.