Joshua Serafin’s Creation Paradigm 

Part of The North Brooklyn Syndicate’s Collective Open House

August 14, 2024, 5–6pm
315 Maujer

Amant’s curatorial team will introduce a special screening of Joshua Serafin’s three channel film Creation Paradigm, which is on view through August 18. The film draws on the precolonial history and creation myths of the Philippine archipelago, imagining a pantheon of non-binary and gender-fluid deities who transgress both the bounds of earthly history and binary categories of identity.

This event is held in conjunction with The North Brooklyn Cultural Syndicate’s Collective Open House, a one-day event that invites visitors to walk from one location to the next to join tours, visit exhibitions, and meet artists and organizers of cultural institutions located in the East Williamsburg neighborhood.  

The North Brooklyn Cultural Syndicate is a joint initiative by Amant, the Bushwick Brooklyn Public Library, Eyebeam, the International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP), Light Industry, St. Nicks Alliance, UnionDocs, and Wendy’s Subway to further neighborhood relations, share information, and bring attention to the cultural offerings of the area.

Collective Open House features participants with public programs that will be open from 2–9pm, hosting in-person events. All events are free. The full program list is below.

Bushwick Branch, Brooklyn Public Library, 2-3pm
Outdoor games and activities including sidewalk chalk drawing, Jenga, and the opportunity to sign up for a library card

Amant, 5–6pm
Tour & Screening of Joshua Serafin’s Creation Paradigm

International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP), 5–9pm
Summer Open House with over 20 artists’ studios open
Refreshments will be served.

Light Industry, 6–9pm
Open House with tours and film screenings

Wendy’s Subway, 6–8pm
Library open hours with special collection displays, one-on-one-time with the Wendy’s Subway librarian, and drop-in writing prompts and activities

UnionDocs, 4–7:30pm
Open House. Drop in to see photos by Alexa Hoyer, view recently produced films and meet the team

Image: Production photo from Creation Paradigm (2023). Joshua Serafin in collaboration with Bunny Cadag, Lukresia Quismundo AKA “thirdworld bb,” and John Chesleigh Nofiel AKA “Alaga.” Courtesy of the artist.