Andrius Arutiunian (born in 1991 in Vilnius) is an Armenian-Lithuanian artist based in the Hague in The Netherlands. He works with sound and hybrid forms of media, with a particular interest in the politics of sound and technologies, sonic artifacts and shifting identities. Recent shows and performances include ZKM | Hertz Lab, Karlsruhe (2020), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2019), documenta 14, Parliament of Bodies, Kassel (2017), Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius (2017), deSingel, Antwerp (2017), Rewire Festival, The Hague (2016), and MAZE Festival, Amsterdam (2016). He has recently been selected as an EMARE/EMAP artist-in-residence at FACT Liverpool for their 2021 program.

During his residency, Andrius will research and develop a new body of work connected to the sonic manifestations of different migrating communities. The focus of his research will be displaced sounds and music, fluctuating aural landscapes and sonic artifacts of migration.